I personally am curious as to whether our American society has limits to what it is willing to portray to communicate something with such depth. This anti-drink and drive advertisement is not ashamed of going to the extreme of showing a very graphic death to make it's point. There doesn't seem to be a particular audience either, it seemed to be a very universal structure to the way that alcohol is conveyed. However I am still curious as to whether this ad actually does anything.
Does seeing this just make the audience angry of drunk drivers or does it really convict the people who are drinking and driving? Does the audience feel compelled to be more responsible with their alcohol consumption just by the way this is presented to them?
Also what do you think the purpose of showing a parallel between the driver and the child who dies is/does? What does showing the similar cloths and activities (soccer) try to say?
Prompt 7: The people who posted on this video seem to be very moved by it. I read on one of the posts that this video is based on a true story and I think that changes the whole outlook the audience has on this video. Some drinking and driving and anti-drug videos show things that are so dramatic and extreme that some of the people who view the video tend to take it as a joke and think "these things never actually happen" but this video shows that they really do and it really shows all the dangers of drinking and driving. This advertisement brought some people to the audience to tears and it made other people really think and maybe change their thoughts on the matter. I think this is a very effective commercial and it definitely gets its point across in a very real and frightening way.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Rachel Conley would change the whole outlook the audience has on this video since the real things can be much easier to arouse other poeple's resonance. People who do not pay much attention to this issue would think over about it after watching this video. And this anti-drinking advertisement also points out that drinking and driving can lead disasters to other innocent people, the little boy in the video is a good example. It can destroy two or more than two families at the same time.
DeleteThis anti-drinking advertisement gives a very happy begining. A father is playing with his children in their garden. They are laughing and running. And the boy is cheering for his score while the girl is playing on a swing. Then it shows a group of adults who are playing soccer. And a man drive happily after drinking with his friends. Everyone is happy and satisfied and the sun is shinging brightly. It ought to be a nice day which is full of beautiful memories. However, the man happened to a car accident. Luckily, the man are survival. But unfortunately, the little boy who are playing soccer shown before died and his sister witnessed this. And the father is very sad and the man is also regret. Although he does not mean to hurt others, he killed the little boy and destroyed a happy family. This anti-drinking advertisement could leave an impressive impression to people since it is a true story. It would more easier to arouse people's pathos and attention since the strong emotional change. Reminding them that drinking can not only do damage to themselves, but can also hurt others. This advertisement reminds me of the policy in China that cannot drive after drinking due to the increasing number of car accidents which are related to alcohol. People should take their responsibilities about it and would think over about it.
ReplyDeleteI believe that this commercial is not very successful and is way too extreme to be played on television. While I agree that nobody should drink and drive under any circumstances, I don't think this commercial takes an appropriate action in getting its point across. By the time the accident occurred, I was not thinking of drinking while driving, I was more disturbed than anything. To a point, scare-tactics or shock is a successful tool in influencing the audience, but this commercial goes way overboard for the normal viewer. While I realize that this could happen, it does not need to be represented on TV and I would be upset if I had seen this on a local station.
ReplyDeleteI believe that this commercial is not very successful and is way too extreme to be played on television. While I agree that nobody should drink and drive under any circumstances, I don't think this commercial takes an appropriate action in getting its point across. By the time the accident occurred, I was not thinking of drinking while driving, I was more disturbed than anything. To a point, scare-tactics or shock is a successful tool in influencing the audience, but this commercial goes way overboard for the normal viewer. While I realize that this could happen, it does not need to be represented on TV and I would be upset if I had seen this on a local station.
ReplyDeleteI would have to disagree with you. This commercial definitely got my attention and was very successful. This commercial really caught my attention because I initially thought that the young boy was growing up throughout the video, but when it shows the boy laying dead, it really shocked me and caught my attention.
DeletePrompt 1:
ReplyDeleteI mostly agree with the others who have commented on this post and believe that this advertisement while effective, is too much to display on TV and as an advertisement on deterring people from drinking and driving. The advertisement relies heavily on pathos and at times ethos in order to be successful. As the video goes on, the audience develops an ethos towards the man who later is involved in the accident as we see him growing from a small child to an adult. The video opens with somewhat of an uplifting spirit through soccer and playing but is balanced with negative music. Ultimately leading up to the very intense moment of the accident that shows a graphic impact and death to a small boy playing, something that is very graphic and can be controversial in an advertisement. As Rachel mentioned, often times people will view these anti-advertisements as something that could never happen and do not feel like that could ever be them. Unfortunately, that does happen and when the viewer comes to realize it, it is already too late. The authors of this advertisement are trying to instill that message of both don't drink and drive but also that it can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere.
Prompt 7:
ReplyDeleteIt is pretty clear from the comments on the video that it was decently effective. One comment said that he/she was crying after watching the video and another said telling people how easy it is to stay off the road after one drink. The video is effective because it plays on emotion, or said another way using the pathos approach. It plays on viewer's emotions in a very severe way; for mothers and fathers this is a very extreme case. Seeing your child swept away from you in a split second because of some other guy decided to drive after drinking. You would want to kill this man. The other way it plays on emotions is that it puts the reader in the shoes of the man who killed a boy who was playing soccer no more than thirty seconds ago. As for the relationship to soccer that both the boy and man have in common, it is meant to make it easier to feel the man's pain. That was his childhood; he played soccer in his backyard and he just, partially, destroyed his childhood because of what he did. This is clearly an effective commercial because of the incredible job done my the advertisers, which is scary because of how easy it was for them to put the reader in the shoes of the characters'.
I think this does a very good job at catching the attention of viewers. I believe it has a very good play on pathos by making the viewer feel passionate and as towards the accident that is taking place. It is a little extreme but I think it has a point to making it that way so the audience actually thinks about the different people something such as drinking and driving could effect. I think it does a successful job at giving people the reality of such a dangerous situation and enlightening them of the real danger.
ReplyDeleteI think this does a very good job at catching the attention of viewers. I believe it has a very good play on pathos by making the viewer feel passionate and as towards the accident that is taking place. It is a little extreme but I think it has a point to making it that way so the audience actually thinks about the different people something such as drinking and driving could effect. I think it does a successful job at giving people the reality of such a dangerous situation and enlightening them of the real danger.