Sunday, January 22, 2012

The tag on this image is "alcoholism."

I think it is a very thought provoking poster because it takes things that everyone experiences such as nerves, anger, and regret and states it in ways that the reader may be able to relate to having done the same thing at some point in their lives. This does not mean every person who has used alcohol to calm themselves is an alcoholic but it does cause the debateable question of what separates the people who have a problem from those who don't? What's to say that one drink is one too many? I also think that the picture does a very good job of backing it up to with the unusual setting and a woman that seems to be very well put together and doesn't look as though her life is in disarray. Why do you think the producers chose a picture like this one? How does it relate with the caption underneath? How does this ad's uniqueness appeal to you? Or doesn't it?


  1. Blog prompt #1: I find this image very perplexing. This image seems to implicitly asking whether that next one drink is really worth it. The woman's facial expression is confused, focused, and she seems to be in deep thought. She is not yet actually touching the bottle, so I feel as if the image is putting the woman in limbo of the effects of this drink. I also feel as if this image is stating that this drink got her to the place that she is in. In the background of this image the woman is in a kind of tore down home with old wooden walls and played out curtains. It seems to be telling the viewer that this is where drinking can get you. But what really confuses me about this image is how the woman is portrayed very elegant. She has pinned up hair, with a plain but kind of elite top. This woman doesn't look like she belongs here at all.

  2. I think that the repetition of the phrase "I drink" followed by widely accepted scenarios for drinking implies that these scenarios can add up. The title "One Drink" is ironic because it is followed by six drinks. I think the pitch of this poster is to convey to the audience how alcoholics make excuses to drink, and although it may seem like just a little at the time, "a little" adds up. The purpose for making her elegant could be to show how some people play the part of "put-together" when inside they're a mess. This might be symptomatic of alcoholics in denial.

    1. I understand where you are coming from as far as alcoholics make excuses to drink, but i have to disagree with the pitch. From my experience the alcoholics I knew didnt need an excuse. Drinking away what they seen in combat isnt an excuse to drink, its helps. Everyone in the Marine Corps drinks. Half of them are alcoholics. They dont make excuses why they are that way its the only way they can ever let things go. Now these aren't real facts, just my opinion on what i have seen. I believe the pitch is just saying, one drink can help.

  3. The creator of the “alcoholism” image uses both imagery and text to express the central theme of his message to readers. The main message of the advertisement is to inform readers of the significance of one drink, especially those prone to alcoholism. The large, yellow text “One Drink” grabs the readers' attention . The selective placement is intentional to ensure that the message is clear. The text that follows uses repetition of, “1 drink to...” and parallel sentence structures as rhetorical strategies to explain the consequences of one drink. The severity of the reasons for “one drink” increases from the first to the last sentence. The first drink is, “to be soothed and relax the nerves a tad,” while the last drink is to forget. The rhetorical strategy the author uses in presenting the reasons for one drink in an order of increasing severity is very effective. Therefore, the reader is forced to see the snowball effect of “one drink” and recognize the central message. 
    Additionally, the image appearing in this advertisement is very interesting and revealing. The woman pictured is reaching out her hand towards a drink. It seems as though she is wrestling with the idea of only having, “one drink.” The tag on the image “alcoholism” suggests she is an alcoholic and is fully aware of the consequences following her actions. However, she can not fight her addiction. She repeatedly follows the pattern of having “one drink” which leads to many more. 
    Also, dim lighting, a black cat, and the spotlight of the lamp all add to an ominous feeling. The use of dim lighting sets the tone for the advertisement. The reader can naturally lead to the conclusion that the setting is late at night when many people make bad choices. The black cat behind the bottle foreshadows the consequences the woman will suffer by giving into her urge to have “one drink.” The bright light of the lamp contrasts the overall dim lighting in the background. Therefore, the lamp symbolizes a spotlight used during an interrogation of a criminal. Thus, the reader can assume that the woman pictured knows having a drink is a bad choice. Furthermore, the black background reflects the last sentence, “1 drink to forget.” If the woman starts with one drink, it will lead to more and ultimately cause her to “black-out” and forget everything. Overall, the imagery and text used in this advertisement contains many rhetorical devices which aid to the effectiveness of the advertisement and leave readers with a clear idea of the intended message. 

  4. Blog Prompt 1-
    The design aspect of this image is key to getting a response the author is trying to achieve. What first attracts someone to this picture is the beautiful woman who is clearly playing up her sexuality with obvious cleavage. The woman alone is going to make people look at the poster. Similar to the anti-meth poster we discussed in class, this poster will catch the eyes of both women and men, but each will react differently. Women will read the text and sympathize with the woman in the picture's alcoholism, where as men will also read the text and probably not connect as well with the woman. Referring back to the design aspects of the image, what is strange is the cat behind the bottle of alcohol. Assuming this woman has just gotten out of a relationship ("1 drink to negate all that you have said and done / 1 drink to move on"), it is stereotypical to assume she is alone in her home and has a cat. The single woman/cat lady persona isn't something I would have taken this image to be inadvertently portraying. Besides the cat, the other strange design aspect is how put together this woman seems. As Rachel C. pointed out in her post, this woman is not one anyone would associate with those suffering from alcoholism. Her physical appearance suggests she does not drink to excess very often or spend all her money on alcohol. Really the only aspect of the image that does a good job portraying what alcoholism might be is the background. The house is dark with its dim lamp and wood walls. This woman looks out of place in this house according to how she's dressed.

  5. Prompt Uno.
    Directly, this picture shows a woman drinking along with phrases the invoke questions on why people actually drink. It is more of a serious picture. However this picture is one of many images that contributes to the connection between alcohol and sex, as well as appeal to men through alcohol and sex. I think this picture 'reaffirm's traditional notions of femininity' as worded in the Sex Sells Sex article. Implicitly, this shows a woman that is at a weak point, attractive, and with alcohol. Whether we think about it or not, sex is very present in our lives through media.

    1. I agree with what you're saying about how present sex is in the media today. The picture is attracting people not only for the seriousness of drinking but also for the attractive woman. I think the sex appeal of this picture takes away from the seriousness and true point of it. People have multiple things to focus on in the picture instead of just the alcohol problem which should be the only thing on peoples minds while looking at it. The sex appeal does draw people in to look at the picture but it doesn't make them realize the problem that the picture is portraying.

    2. The attractiveness of the woman featured in the advertisement is definitely an important component to the overall message and rhetoric. Initially the woman grabs the attention of the reader. Then, the reader is left to question why such a beautiful woman has a drinking problem. I agree that the overt sex appeal used in the advertisement does take away from the overall effectiveness of the advertisement because it distracts from the serious message about alcoholism. However, sex sells and gets the attention of a large male audience. Is it more effective to use sex to get the attention of a larger audience even if it takes away from the message?

    3. I think that it is way more effective to grab the attention of an audience by using sex. People may not even notice the message if sex is not used to grab their attention. The goal is to make sure the message is conveyed if it is received less serious than what it would be if sex wasn't used. People receiving the message is better than no one getting the message at all.

  6. This picture gives off a very depressing vibe. It's not something that would attract most to drinking, instead it seems as a warning of what alcohol can do if you feel dependent on it. There is a serious tone to this, it's as though the woman is asking for help, and the alcohol is the only thing there for her. Someone who has problems with drinking would not necessarily feel good about the fact that alcohol is the only "soothing" thing that can make them "forget" their pain. The woman looks as though she is pulling back, debating on taking a drink, and as these thoughts go through her head, you can feel her about to give in.

  7. Below this picture, the author uses six times of "I drink to" as the reasons to explain why people drink. Maybe one or two of them also are the reasons of the woman for drinking. I n this picture, the light of the room is not very bright, and the background of the picture is the wooden wall, it seems to be very lonely. Besides, the woman only has a cat with her, this also shows that she is lonely. Now looking at the woman, she is stretching her hands to touch the bottle, losing in thought. Maybe she wants to use alchol to forget something, but alchol may be the reason that leads her to this situation, thus she looks very confused and floundering.

  8. Prompt 7- The post does seem to have an effect on people. People found the picture making them less likely to drink. People said that the picture was depressing which is what the picture is trying to do because it is encouraging people to get over their problems using methods besides drinking. The picture makes people think about the reasons why other people drink. The picture made most people think that drinking is bad for getting over problems. I agree with this because using alcohol to get over any problem is bad because there are other safer ways to get over it. People also feel like the girl in the picture is about to give in to the drink. I agree with this because she looks kind of distraught and alone so she might give in. Overall people thought this picture was depressing and made them not want to drink at all.

    1. I agree that this ad is attempting to deter people from using alcohol and especially to avoid "drowning your sorrows" because in the end, your problems still are there after the effects of alcohol subside. There are other means of dealing with unhappy emotions and getting past difficulties in life and this ad portrays an attractive woman where the audience assumes she is getting out of a relationship. The pitch of this ad can be taken as alcohol is extremely negative and can lead to more serious issues. The relationship that this woman has lost is now turning to alcohol which will lead her to a very dark, and dim future. Such as the surrounding/background of this ad.

  9. Prompt 7.
    This image definitely has an effect on people. The main effect that I've seen after reading through the comments is that the image depresses viewers and doesn't portray drinking in a positive light. I would agree that the poster gives off a feeling of despair. Also, the poster is constructed well. The initial attractiveness of the woman would catch the eye of most people and allow the creator to make a point about drinking once the viewer has time to analyze the image and read the text added to it. The design of the poster helps it achieve its intended effect as one can tell from reading previous comments. In addition, the text implies that an alcoholic starts out innocently with a drink to relax, but ends up drinking simply to forget, and this progression is depressing enough without the added picture.

  10. I believe that this picture is using the technique of constantly throwing the phrase "one drink" in our faces over and over again. I honestly think that the implication of having one drink is up in the air, as far as it being good or bad. If we take away the words at the bottom of the picture, we simply see a woman sitting at her desk, looking somewhat sad and downcast. A very prominent part of this image that is displayed right up front is the alcohol. It is also worth noting that although the lights are on in the room she is in, there appears to be light coming through the window, suggesting that it is the daytime. This can also be interpreted as a stereotype of an alcoholic, drinking during the day, but the temptation is almost literally seen on the woman's face as she stares at the bottle of alcohol.

    1. I agree that the author puts extra emphasis on constantly repeating the phrase, "one drink." In addition to your observations, I also find it as a way of showing she is on the edge of an important life decision. The words are describing an internal conflict, as if to say she has tried and tried but cant diminish her problems, but maybe that next drink will do it. Just one more drink, and her depression and worries will disappear. However, I believe the context of these words are implying if she were to take one more drink, it would leave her in no better a state, still contemplating if the next drink will be the one to solve her problems.

  11. Blog Prompt 7:

    After reading through the posts on this image, it seems that most people view this as a more somber picture. It provokes more peoples feelings about whether that "one drink" is necessary or not, and most people have commented on the fact that the woman in the picture looks torn towards making that decision. The picture above the six lines at the bottom is the sole contribution to this mood. I say this because had it been a picture of many people having fun drinking, it could have been a completely different case. In this case, it only depicts a woman trying to "get by" with her alcohol, and some people can view that as drinking for the wrong reasons. It gives off a bad light towards drinking while sad.
