We've all seen these 5-Hour Energy Commercials. It's supposed to help people stay awake whenever they need that extra push of strength. This little shot of energy has as much caffeine as a premium cup of coffee. What would happen if someone took more than the daily recommended amount (which is two bottles)? Can this actually be an addicting thing? Coffee drinkers usually have a cup every morning before they begin their days. Some usually drink more than one cup a day. Could these 5-Hour Energy Shots have a larger effect than a regular cup of coffee? Is this something that should be purchased by someone who is suffering from ADD or ADHD? Since this drink is considered a dietary supplement, should it be banned from anyone under the age of 18?
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Don't Drink and Drive
I personally am curious as to whether our American society has limits to what it is willing to portray to communicate something with such depth. This anti-drink and drive advertisement is not ashamed of going to the extreme of showing a very graphic death to make it's point. There doesn't seem to be a particular audience either, it seemed to be a very universal structure to the way that alcohol is conveyed. However I am still curious as to whether this ad actually does anything.
Does seeing this just make the audience angry of drunk drivers or does it really convict the people who are drinking and driving? Does the audience feel compelled to be more responsible with their alcohol consumption just by the way this is presented to them?
Also what do you think the purpose of showing a parallel between the driver and the child who dies is/does? What does showing the similar cloths and activities (soccer) try to say?
The above
picture was found on Google images. I chose to post this because I thought that
it would provide a strong foundation for discussion, and was also appropriate
for its rhetoric for the class. These images, called “memes” are popular now
because they take previous pictures and attach words to them to manipulate
them. Because of this, these photos and advertisements can convey several
different messages based off of the statements that are written on them. The
young man is clearly on a college campus and listening to his music. The fact
that he is listening to his music contributes to the strength of the statement
in the picture because of the fact that it mentions rap songs and how alcohol
is mentioned in these songs. Many of these images are meant to be comical and
humorous, but is a photo such as this really that funny? Does it hold a large
amount of truth? What is it really
trying to tell us? What is implied in this image? What is the significance of
this photo being in a college setting? Who does this photo appeal to? Why is this statement/stereotype assumed to
be true?
Above the Influence - Hurt
Many anti-drug ads only deal with the effect that drugs will have on the user. This Above the Influence commercial focuses on the effects that it will have on the people surrounding them. It concentrates on a younger brother, how he is also “hurt” by the decisions that his older sibling makes. They end the commercial by say, “smoking weed hurts more than just you”. What is your reaction to the commercial? Does having a little boy in the commercial make it more effective? Do the actions of older siblings truly have such a strong impact on younger siblings as this commercial implies?
Sex sells in Plumbing commercial
This is a commercial made by liquid plumber. It is a very clear representation of how companies try to over sexualize something to sell their product. This commercial I feel has gone further than most companies are willing to go, as it uses clear double-endras to try and catch the viewers attention. Clearly they believe this will get them sales. Does this style of marketing really help to increase sales? Also, is this the furthest companies will go to catch your attention, or will they only make them more sexualized in order to make money?
This is a commercial made by liquid plumber. It is a very clear representation of how companies try to over sexualize something to sell their product. This commercial I feel has gone further than most companies are willing to go, as it uses clear double-endras to try and catch the viewers attention. Clearly they believe this will get them sales. Does this style of marketing really help to increase sales? Also, is this the furthest companies will go to catch your attention, or will they only make them more sexualized in order to make money?
Monday, February 13, 2012
Video of Retired Cop Asking Obama to Legalize Marijuana Wins White House Youtube Contest
This video is a submission to a contest held by the White House for questions to ask President Obama. This particular one is of a retired LAPD Deputy Chief asking the President to legalize marijuana because of his stance that he has taken from his years on the job. He views the U.S. drug policy as a failure and a gigantic waste of funds. He also points out that more Americans are now in favor of legalization rather than the continued prohibition of marijuana and confronts the President on what he plans to do to change this during his term, which will soon be over. What questions does this raise about the legalization or decriminalization of marijuana? What statement is being made about America as a whole as our country progresses through this social era?
This video is a submission to a contest held by the White House for questions to ask President Obama. This particular one is of a retired LAPD Deputy Chief asking the President to legalize marijuana because of his stance that he has taken from his years on the job. He views the U.S. drug policy as a failure and a gigantic waste of funds. He also points out that more Americans are now in favor of legalization rather than the continued prohibition of marijuana and confronts the President on what he plans to do to change this during his term, which will soon be over. What questions does this raise about the legalization or decriminalization of marijuana? What statement is being made about America as a whole as our country progresses through this social era?
Sunday, February 12, 2012
"Denial is a Drug" Youtube Video
The “Denial is a Drug” Youtube video is sponsored by The Partnership at Drugfree.org, which educates families about teen substance abuse and addiction. The television commercial opens with a boy saying, “I was in junior high the first time I caught my mom using denial.” He then admits to stealing his mother’s prescription drugs. He explains that he can get away with almost anything because his mother is on the drug called denial. The video shows the boy and a friend sorting his mother’s pills. His mother observes them, but chooses to ignore the situation. At the end of the video, the mom is shown finding a bag of marijuana in her son’s room. Finally, the commercial ends with, “denial is a drug” and urges parents in denial to seek help. The commercial caught my attention because it takes a different angle on drug abuse by highlighting that denial can also be considered an addictive drug. This commercial definitely makes a statement to parents who may be in denial of the reality of teenage drug use. What is your reaction to this commercial? How do you think this commercial takes a different stance on drugs and the role of parents? Do you think denial is a drug? How does this commercial make a lasting impression on viewers?
College Advertisement
College, according to numerous movies, is known for its parties, beer, beer pong, and well, beer. This demotivational poster plays on that with its direct audience of college students. The two largest words in this advertisement and poster is "College", which plays a direct correlation with it's intended audience. They also choose to use white lettering over a green and black background to make the words stand out. .What is college for? To further educate yourselves and this advertisement plays on this as well. "Smart Scholars". Why would the advertisement suggest that you are a smart scholar playing beer pong even if you save a few dollars? The items portrayed are essential to beer pong, but is it essential to college? Is college parties and beer pong actually a part of college or is it something totally blown out of proportion by other propaganda and being utilized by organizations that could profit off of this assumption?
Also I noted with todays economy and the average college student struggling with finances such as tuition, books, rent etc, this advertisement hits home when one sees the "savings". They also chose a prime location, at the end of the isle where everyone walks past. Not just in an isle where some people might not need anything in said isle and skip it.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Shards O Glass Commercial
Using a Super Bowl commercial as well, I chose the "Shards O Glass" commercial. This commercial, produced by truth.com, makes fun at big tobacco companies by saying that they too can sell a product that doesn't make sense. People see freeze pops as harmless food, but this company puts glass in them that obviously harms people, just like the tobacco in cigarettes. As stupid as Shards O Glass is, what the tobacco companies are doing is exactly the same. They market their product to be fun and harmless yet millions of people die from the toxins inside. The spokesman of the commercial addresses the main problems of Shards O Glass freeze pops by saying there is no safe way to consume them and that they are for adults only. But what is ironic is that in the commercial it shows hundreds of freeze pops still being made and they will obviously appeal to young people because freeze pops are not usually a adult only food. Do you think that this parody of a tobacco company is accurate? For something as unrealistic as Shards O Glass freeze pops, do they make you think of cigarettes and how dangerous they can be? Does this commercial make you think differently about how tobacco advertising works? Or do you just disregard this commercial because it doesn't stand out as much as their other commercials (such as the one we watched in class with the mannequins)?
Budweiser Prohibition Advertisement
If the video doesn't load use the link:
With the spirit of the Super Bowl I thought a good post would be of one of the new commercials this year. Budweiser released this commercial that deals with the Prohibition Era and opens by saying that Budweiser drinkers were forced to go without it during the 13 years that alcohol was banned. The overwhelming excitement that came over everyone when prohibition ended spread through the video and the people abruptly ended what they were doing to run outside and celebrate. The Budweiser signature Clydesdale horses are shown bringing the beer back after an eternity of no Budweiser and is welcomed back with cheers and everyone celebrating the bar opening again. This ad shows Budweiser as a spirit of America and dating back to 1876 with the video produced in a kind of "old" style video with dim light and a city full of people from the time of prohibition. Alcohol companies as well as other advertisements use a "signature" object or phrase such as the Clydesdale horse for Budweiser or Captain Morgan and "Got a little Captain in you?" to help market their products. This ad uses American spirit and the signature Clydesdale to help sell its product to the audience especially during the most anticipated and watched commercials of the year, the Super Bowl. Why would Budweiser use this scenario to sell their product? Is there a negative or harmful effect of celebrating alcohol the way this ad does? Does this ad appeal specifically to men because the majority of the ad used a masculine approach? Is the signature object such as the Clydesdale horse or Keith Stone useful in marketing beer?
Blue Mountain State Intro
Blue Mountain State Intro
This is the introduction to a television show on Spike TV called Blue Mountain State. The show is a comedy series about a group of college football players for the fictional school BMS.
The intro clip pretty much flashes back and forth between images of football, and partying with alcohol and attractive women. What is significant about the way that alcohol is portrayed? How would this clip influence a young football player, or someone who idolizes football players? Is there a specific audience that the creators of the show are trying to appeal to? The first thing I think of is that they are trying to draw in heterosexual males.
According to Wikipedia, 45% of Spike Tv's viewing audience is women. Does this trailer seem to appeal to a female audience in any way?
I'm interested in what you guys have to say, let's discuss!
Arnold Schwarzenneger and Marijuana
Arnold Schwarzenneger, known for being the governor of California as well as a famous actor and bodybuilder, clearly displays a positive view on marijuana in this video. The video begins with Arnold responding to an interview question by stating it would be fine if voters decided they wanted to legalize marijuana. It then cuts to a video of himself smoking weed in his famous bodybuilding documentary, and afterwards he confirms that he did smoke and inhale the drug. He even seems to find it amusing when he says that some people questioned whether or not it was fake and if he actually inhaled. Arnold seems to be downplaying the negatives of marijuana. Do you think Arnold's stance on weed would have an impact on the different aspects of his career, either as a politician, an actor, or a bodybuilder? Also, would this harm the views of his fans or those who see him as a role model? Should he even be worried about the reaction since has found so much success in a variety of areas?
Arnold Schwarzenneger, known for being the governor of California as well as a famous actor and bodybuilder, clearly displays a positive view on marijuana in this video. The video begins with Arnold responding to an interview question by stating it would be fine if voters decided they wanted to legalize marijuana. It then cuts to a video of himself smoking weed in his famous bodybuilding documentary, and afterwards he confirms that he did smoke and inhale the drug. He even seems to find it amusing when he says that some people questioned whether or not it was fake and if he actually inhaled. Arnold seems to be downplaying the negatives of marijuana. Do you think Arnold's stance on weed would have an impact on the different aspects of his career, either as a politician, an actor, or a bodybuilder? Also, would this harm the views of his fans or those who see him as a role model? Should he even be worried about the reaction since has found so much success in a variety of areas?
Monday, January 30, 2012
Michael Phelps Bong Hit
6 months after having one of the best Summer Olympics ever in China, Michael Phelps drew heavy criticism for a photo that got leaked of him smoking a bong at a party. Phelps later apologized and was suspended for 3 months by USA Swimming. It was a big blow to Phelps as he was very popular in the U.S. Would you want your to child to use Phelps as a role model even after this incident? How would this incident affect younger children and their perception of marijuana? Or, should athletes or celebrities even care what their actions might do to affect the minds of people that look up to them?
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Quit Smoking Advertisement
Many people continue to smoke these days disregarding all the warnings about the dangers of smoking. Many people think about how smoking effects themselves and the smokers but people usually forget about the children having to live in the same house as the smokers. Smoking kills many people everyday and when one of those smokers dies and leaves a kid behind it is very sad and hard on the kid's life. If that was a single parent then that child has to live in a foster home and most likely has health problems from breathing in all the smoke from their parent. Is smoking in a house with a child being responsible? Should it be illegal because it endangers the child? Should smoking become illegal because it makes kids lose their parents everyday? Children deserve to live in a safe house where their parents are caring for them and not dying because of smoking. Is smoking more harmful for the child in the long run than it is for the actual parent that is smoking?
Zach Galifianakis smokes weed on live television
Zach Galifianakis, the well known actor from the movie, "The Hangover," appeared on the Bill Maher show. Showing his support for a current piece of legislation, he took things to the extreme. How does an act like this, from a man of Galifianakis' standing, influence voters? Does this portray a message that celebrities are 'above' the law? Towards the end, Galifianakis eludes to hallucinating to show how peoples perception of the drug are far from his perceived reality. He downplays weed to seem harmless. How does this affect the minds of younger viewers? adult viewers? Finally the woman who takes the joint seems to be in complete shock. What would have your response had been in her shoes? How does her reaction affect the viewers opinion of Galifianakis' stunt?
Substance abuse consequences
Sunday, January 22, 2012
The tag on this image is "alcoholism."
I think it is a very thought provoking poster because it takes things that everyone experiences such as nerves, anger, and regret and states it in ways that the reader may be able to relate to having done the same thing at some point in their lives. This does not mean every person who has used alcohol to calm themselves is an alcoholic but it does cause the debateable question of what separates the people who have a problem from those who don't? What's to say that one drink is one too many? I also think that the picture does a very good job of backing it up to with the unusual setting and a woman that seems to be very well put together and doesn't look as though her life is in disarray. Why do you think the producers chose a picture like this one? How does it relate with the caption underneath? How does this ad's uniqueness appeal to you? Or doesn't it?
Stampede Beer Commercial
Stampede Beer is a relatively unknown beer, however, this commercial, like many others, presents beer complemented with sex. The advertiser wants the audience to think that if they buy this beer then a "sexy" woman will come as well. The last part of the advertisement reads, "Stampede Beer, Plus." The "plus" clearly indicates the woman; if you buy this, regardless of what you look like, how old you are, or your economic stance, you get hot woman. The advertiser is directing this commercial to a male audience mainly. The woman does acts sexually and her poses and gestures have undertones of sexual actions. Why does sex sell beer? Does it only sell it to men? Another key detail of this video is that the man does not have to move. The woman takes care of all of his needs, while he gets to sit on a couch watching her perform sexy gestures. A thing that only men can relate to once again choosing a sexist point of view. The man does not even have to open his beer; the most sexually visual part in the whole clip. The woman opens the beer with her mouth in a manner resembling fellatio. Do beer marketers only target males? Do women respond violently to this type of advertisement? Does this influence people under the age of 21? Is beer associated with sex, is sex associated with beer, or are they independent of each other?
Substance Abuse & Music
As noted in many other posts, substance abuse is a serious problem in the world today. There are many factors that come into play when diagnosing why someone becomes dependent on drugs and alcohol. Could music really play a big role into substance abuse? As the article mentions, many of the songs we are listening to everyday are loaded with references to alcohol and other drugs. The average teenager listens to about two and a half hours of music each day. If three-fourths of the music they are listening to reference drinking and partying, could many teens be testing it out because of the lyrics they are listening to? Obviously, these artists who created the music made it big by conjuring up lyrics heavily associated to these illegal activities, so how bad could they be right? Are kids realizing that not every lyric they hear is the truth? What message do you believe songwriters are attempting to get across with their substance abuse filled lyrics?
Alcohol abuse in teenagers is a serious problem. Before graduating high school, students will spend about 18,000 hours in front of the television—more time than they will spend in school. During this time they will watch about 2,000 alcohol commercials on television each year. Alcohol advertisements reach youth not only through television, but also through other varied media, such as billboards, magazines, sports stadium signs, and on mass transit such as subway systems. In all, youth view 45% more beer ads and 27% more liquor ads in magazines than do people of legal drinking age.
This is a commercial advertisement of Bacardi. How attractive are the alcohol advertisements to teenagers? What elements in the advertisements do teenagers find the most attractive? How can we eliminate the negative influences of alcohol advertisement on teenagers?
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Drug Wars
In today's news limelight, one would normally see headlines related to the Middle East, Immigration, the Republican nominees, and various Pop culture scandals. While all are obviously strong points for further inspection, no one truly hears about the close-to-home issues we have to our Southern boarder. Why has no one given more attention to the drug wars in Mexico when such a threat looms so close? Perhaps due to more immediate concerns, this has been pushed out of the view of our society for some time. Sometime soon, this issue will rear its head into national policy and will raise major questions. How will we handle death caused over money and drugs? How can we deal with the drugs that come into the United States from these cartels? Why haven't we stepped in to stop the corruption and control so openly flashed about?
Anti Smoke AD 5!
Nowadays, an increasing number of people become to smoke, especially teenagers. Although, it is universally acknowaged that smoking has bad influence on people's health, people still cannot quit smoking. But why do they still smoking even though they know it is harmful to themselves? Besides, what cause an increasing number of teenagers began smoking? Since it is cool or other reasons? How can we reduce the number of smokers effectively?
Nowadays, an increasing number of people become to smoke, especially teenagers. Although, it is universally acknowaged that smoking has bad influence on people's health, people still cannot quit smoking. But why do they still smoking even though they know it is harmful to themselves? Besides, what cause an increasing number of teenagers began smoking? Since it is cool or other reasons? How can we reduce the number of smokers effectively?
Sex and Alcohol
Alcohol ads almost never fail to have some kind of sexual thought portrayed in them. Most have a much stronger appeal to men than women, since you only relatively see a very attractive woman hanging all over a guy with a beer in his hand. In this ad however, you see the opposite, where it is instead meant for a female audience. Why is it that alcohol almost always come across as sexually related? Is that the main attraction, the hope of "getting it in" with a stranger? More than 50% of all sexual assaults happen while under the influence of alcohol. Why is it that alcohol company's put such a positive note on the connection between sex and alcohol?
Saturday, January 14, 2012
David After the Dentist
David After Dentist
Yes, the drug was administered by a doctor, but it would appear as though he received it in excess. Abuse is debatable, but use is for certain. I'm wondering if all the positive posts on this Youtube video is rhetoric? It seems to portray "tripping" in a positive and humorous light. What if someone had taken this same drug recreationally? Would people view it in the same light?
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Crop Fail Central Africa
Mother kills intruder to protect her 3 month old son
U.S. soldier held by the Tailban
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